Saturday, September 1, 2018

Animation Writer FAQ: Getting Started, Pt.1

Q: I thought you might be able to offer some advice to a writer jumping head-first into the animation industry. While I've been a writer for some time, I've just now been able to gain representation for screenwriting. Would you have any advice for a writer just starting to get work? Should I rely solely on my agent to get me jobs on shows? How would you recommend getting started with work beyond the commercials and website things I've thus far been hired in? I know it's a tough business, but I'm excited to put the work in and willing to take the advice of those who've been there and succeeded.

A: By getting an agent, you've already taken the biggest step toward gainful employment. Having an
agent is vital as they set up pitch meetings for you and submit your writing samples to the different shows. To answer your question, no, you should not rely (solely) on your agent to get you work. An agent is better viewed as a team member, a person who helps you get work. In the meantime, network and do your best to make personal contacts. The old saw that it's "who you know" has a lot of truth to it. I find the longer I'm in the business, the more work I get from people who've hired me before.

Another bit of advice would be to keep writing script samples for sitcoms, screenplays, anything that your agent can use to submit you for jobs. The more practice/skill you have in writing scripts, the more confidence you'll gain and the more likely you are to get work as a writer.

Good luck!


Pt.2 of this FAQ will be a follow up to this question.

Thoughts about the above question or about animation writing in general? Leave them in the comments or send it to me via the CONTACT tab.

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