Saturday, January 3, 2015

My Top Six 2015 Creative Goals and Resolutions

6) Complete outline for the third book in my 'Dragonfriend' series.

I take my time with my outlines and try to make them as complete as possible (while leaving plenty of room for the little discoveries we authors delight in), but haven't done any work on this one since July. That's unacceptable and I intend to complete it before this fall. Bonus goal: Write a first draft of the novel before the end of the year, possibly during NaNoWriMo (which I happen to enjoy, but haven't been able to participate in for a couple of years).

5) Complete edit of the space opera YA novel I wrote.

I finished the first draft of this manuscript a while back and set it aside until my thoughts cleared. Guess what? They cleared and so this one's back on the to-do list. 

4) Start and complete first draft of short story anthology based in Norse mythology.

 I researched this one extensively over the summer and now need to get busy on it.

3) Finish editing my kid's novel.

Yes, my 18yr old wrote a fantasy novel and it's awesome. It's also 100k+ words and I've got to knuckle down and devote the time to it that it deserves. Deep breath.

2) Complete the pitch bible for a cool animated show I'm creating.

It's funny and character-driven with lots of fun dystopian action. I just have to get off my keister and get it done. Bonus goal: Write the pilot script, too.

1) Get a full-time writing/acting/anything gig.

2014, don't let the door hit you on the way out. While blessed with freelance writing work on a couple of great shows, last year was particularly dry and the gaps between script assignments have been brutal. A regular paycheck over an extended period of time is sorely needed. This one is the priority, hence its ranking at #1.


There are some serious time-eaters on this list and I doubt I'll get the whole thing done, but I'm going for it. I'll report back at the end of the year and let you know how successful I was.

What's on your list of creative goals and resolutions for 2015?

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New Writer Bio for Roger Eschbacher

  New writer bio...   "Main co. alum of the Groundlings, I write YA fantasy/sci-fi novels and animation (preschool, bridge, kids) for ...