Monday, November 2, 2020

GHOST STAR Scores a Kindle Book Deal


ON SALE this month for $0.99! Ghost Star scored a Teen & Young Adult Kindle Book Deal from 11/1/2020 through 11/30/2020! #spaceopera #adventure #spacemarines #military #kindlepress

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Mini Review: "Pandora Gets Vain" by Carolyn Hennesy

The second book in a wonderful series, "Pandora Gets Vain" delivers humor, heart, and action by the opened boxful. All of the characters, including Pandy herself, are loads of fun as they jump to Egypt in search of Vanity, one of the seven evils. 

Author Hennesy keeps the story moving at a brisk pace and her fascinating circus sequence is especially enjoyable. 

Highly Recommended!

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Goodreads Asks Me 8 Questions

Goodreads has asked me a few questions over the years, so I thought I'd share them. Feel free to visit my Goodreads Author Profile Page HERE. If you have a book-related question for me, put it in the comments!

Ask the Author: Roger Eschbacher

“Got a question? Feel free to ask about my books, being an author, writing for animation, or writing in general.” 

Answered Questions (8)

If you could travel to any fictional book world, where would you go and what would you do there?

Roger Eschbacher: Easy...Middle Earth. Every few years I reread the LOTR books, and each time I finish them, I'm sad that I can't live there. What would I do? I've always been drawn to the Maiar (wizards) and the Dúnedain (Men of the West, descendants of the Númenóreans), so, hopefully, I would be an honorable member of one of those groups.

Who is your favorite fictional couple, and why?

Roger Eschbacher: My favorite fictional couple would have to be Arwen and Aragorn from "The Lord of the Rings." There is much sadness in their shared past and future, yet their love remains undeniable and, ultimately, there is great hope, too.

What’s the best thing about being a writer?

Roger Eschbacher: I get to write down the stories I want to tell and then share them with people.

Where did you get the idea for your most recent book?

Roger Eschbacher: I get 85% of the ideas for all of my books on my daily walk. I'll have a vague notion about what type of book I'd like to write and then mull it over for the next few days (or sometimes longer - the Norse anthology I'm working on took over a year to puzzle out). Then, at some point, a workable idea will pop into my head and I'll hurry home to make sure I get it all down. The other 15% of the ideas come when I'm taking a shower.

How do you get inspired to write?

Roger Eschbacher: I mostly get inspired to write on my daily walks. My thoughts drift during the delightful monotony of stomping around the same route every day and the next thing I know I've got a new story idea or a fix for a plot problem.

How do you deal with writer’s block?

Roger Eschbacher: I write TV animation for a living and, to be honest, can't afford a luxury like writer's block. If I don't deliver outlines or scripts in a timely manner, I don't get paid. I apply this discipline to my novel writing, too, although I do have days when I don't feel like writing at all.

What’s your advice for aspiring writers?

Roger Eschbacher: I’ll approach this question from the “How do I get started?” angle. First, read a lot of books. Every one of my author friends is an avid reader. Decide which kind of books you like to read the most (for me it’s fantasy and sci fi) and concentrate on reading lots of those kinds of books. You’ll not only be doing this for fun, but also to learn different ways to put a book together—the right and wrong ways to tell a story.

Once you are well-versed in the type of book you’d like to write, start writing. By that I mean, stop coming up with excuses not to write (“What if it’s terrible?” “I just don’t have the time right now.”) If your first draft is “terrible,” you can fix it later. You do have the time, you just have to organize your schedule better. Write for an hour instead of vegging out in front of the tube, for example. Set a daily goal of a couple hundred words and do your best to stick to it. You’ll be surprised at how quickly it adds up.

In short, stop making excuses and start writing.

What are you currently working on?

Roger Eschbacher: UPDATED 10/08/20: I've got three books in various stages of completion.

1) I'm almost finished with the first draft of "Ghost Star 2," a YA space opera. 2) I'm working on the full novel version of my Viking fantasy adventure, Undrastormur. 3) I'm waiting on the cover art for "Elvenking," the third and probably final book in the "Dragonfriend" series.

Still freelance writing for animation. Lately it's for "Hello Ninja," which is a pre-school show for Netflix.

Thanks, Goodreads!

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Unmasked History of Scooby Doo Podcast: Roger Eschbacher Edition

Hey! Want to hear me try to remember what it was like to write for Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated? Check out me and a bunch of other SDMI luminaries on the Unmasked History of Scooby Doo Podcast at! Oh, and the correct word is voracious.


Sunday, August 16, 2020

Book Review: Ordinarily Extraordinary by Patrick P. Long

In this powerful and touching tribute to the love of his life, author Long recounts his wife Melanie's struggle with an aggressive cancer. Heart-breaking, tear-inducing, and ultimately uplifting, Long crafts a tight, well-written narrative filled with truth, brutal self-reflection, and an abundance of love. Recommended.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

GHOST STAR Science Fiction & Fantasy Kindle Book Deal for August!

Hey, folks! Amazon just gave GHOST STAR a Science Fiction & Fantasy Kindle Book Deal for the month of August. Yay! That means if you're looking for a fun, action-packed Sci-Fi read (or know someone who is) you can get my book for $0.99!  

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Busy Busy Busy!

Been super busy the past couple of weeks. I finished the “final” edit of the Elvenking: Leonard the Great, Book 3 manuscript ("final" is in quotes because, as my fellow authors know, you're never really finished). Now formatting/reformatting the interior of all three books in the series with a new design template from Book Design Templates - it's super easy to use and looks great.

New covers for Dragonfriend, Giantkiller AND Elvenking should be here by the end of the month. Exciting (for me, anyway)!

Waiting in the wings: Full novel version of Undrastormur and completion of the first draft of Ghost Star 2 (don't have a name for that one yet)!  Doing my best to stay positive and make this crazy year as productive as possible! #fantasy #scifi #author


Eater of the Dead: A Dragon Friend Excerpt

Just in time for Halloween! Check out a featured Dragon Friend excerpt on the BestSelling Reads blog: "The spooky season is upon us! H...