Monday, September 25, 2017

Ghost Star Campaign Is Over

My (annoying?) GHOST STAR campaign is finally over. I'll find out if the book is selected sometime in the next 15 days. A heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported me. You folks are awesome! :) #fingerscrossed

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

2017 Walk to End Alzheimer's

My Mom
Hello, all! I'm participating in this year's Walk to End Alzheimer's and asking for your support.

My mom, Pat, and my father-in-law, Jerry, both suffer from this brutal disease. The Walk to End Alzheimer's is my small way of fighting back.

Our local walk is on October 7th, 2017.

CLICK HERE to donate now. You'll be taken to my Donation Page.

Please donate what you can to support the efforts of the Alzheimer's Association. Any amount will help.

Thank you for joining the fight!


Saturday, September 9, 2017

GHOST STAR: Kindle Scout Campaign Update 

My heartfelt thanks to everyone who has already nominated GHOST STAR for publication on Amazon. So far, so good -- at least as far as I can tell. 
Kindle Scout doesn't tell you how many actual nominations your book has received, but they do give you a little bit of info. With fifteen days left in the campaign, GHOST STAR has spent 169 hours on the "Hot and Trending" list and has received roughly 2.5k views on its page. I hope most of those views were also nominations!

For those who haven't nominated GHOST STAR and wouldn't mind doing so, please follow the link and vote today. It's free to vote and if my book is approved, you'll get a FREE Kindle copy. Thanks!

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Call To Action: Please Nominate My Book for Publication by Amazon's Kindle Scout

Here are three steps you can follow to earn this author's undying gratitude:
  • Step One: Follow THIS LINK to Kindle Scout. 
  • Step Two: Log in to your Amazon account.
  • Step Three: Nominate Ghost Star, my new YA Sci-Fi novel, for publication by Amazon.
It's just that simple! Seriously though, I know this kind of stuff can be a pain, but, in this case, there really isn't much more to it than the steps I just listed.

It's free to vote and only costs a little bit of your time.

The Backstory: I recently completed the manuscript for Ghost Star and decided to give Amazon's Kindle Scout program a try. How it works is that you submit your previously unpublished novel and support materials--book cover, description, etc.--and, after a review, they assign you a "campaign."

My Kindle Scout campaign for Ghost Star will launch on August 26, 2017 12:00 AM EDT and end on September 25, 2017 12:00 AM EDT.

During that time frame, it's the author's job to get as many of his supporters to "nominate" the book for publication as possible. Here's why:
"The more nominations your book receives the more likely it will get the attention of our Kindle Scout team and be selected for publication."

Pretty straightforward, right?

The bottom line is that it would be really cool if you would nominate my book.

Thank you!

  • Step Four: Ask your friends and family who might be up for this kind of thing to vote for Ghost Star, too. Thanks!
Raw link to campaign:

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Cover Reveal: Ghost Star (A Sci-Fi Adventure)

Hey! Here's the cover for Ghost Star, my new YA Sci-Fi novel! Isn't it cool?

Amazon is launching a Kindle Scout campaign for Ghost Star this Saturday, 8/26.

That means you folks will have an opportunity to nominate Ghost Star for publication, and I really really hope you do.

I'll post more details and a link to the campaign page on Saturday.

If Ghost Star gets picked, I'll get a modest advance and my book will be published by Amazon! If you nominate the book and it gets picked, I'll be eternally grateful, and you'll get a free Kindle copy.

In the meantime, how about that cover? Isn't it cool?

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Best Gaming News I've Heard in Years!

I love, correction, LOVE the Age of Empires pc game franchise! Launched some 20 years ago by Microsoft Studios, I've purchased and played every single edition of this incredible RTS (Real Time Strategy) game from the very beginning. From the original Age of Empires through Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings, Age of Mythology, and Age of Empires III--I've played them all plus their Expansion Packs.

Well... Imagine my delight upon hearing that not only is Microsoft going to bring back a fully updated version of the original, but they've also begun work on a completely new AOE game, Age of Empires IV!

The original Age of Empires was designed for Windows 95 and, as far as I'm concerned, has been unplayable (technically-speaking) for many a year. This new updated version is for Windows 10 and will be released on October 19, 2017. Here's the trailer for the remastered Age of Empires: Definitive Edition:

How cool is that? If you were a fan of the AOE series, you've got to be pleased with this new development.

As if that wasn't enough, Microsoft Studios and Relic Entertainment have announced they're developing Age of Empires IV! As you'll see in the "Announce Trailer" below, details are a little sparse. In fact, all of the artwork is from previous editions of the game. Why? My clever deduction is that they're still very early in the development process and don't have anything to show yet. If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say they're going to advance the timeline up into the modern era as that's what they've done with all of the previous installments--advance the ages with each new release. WWI and WWII? Who knows? Everything is conjecture at this point.

Anyway...both of these announcements are so cool! Can I get a yay? YAY!!!

Eater of the Dead: A Dragon Friend Excerpt

Just in time for Halloween! Check out a featured Dragon Friend excerpt on the BestSelling Reads blog: "The spooky season is upon us! H...