Saturday, March 1, 2008


Finished off another draft of my chapter book, Malcolm, and sent it off to the publisher. A chapter book is kind of an early novel -- designed for elementary school readers. My editor Liz has really been giving me some good notes that have been a joy to work from -- really ended up making the manuscript better. Take it from one who's HAD to execute bad notes, (cough) TV animation (cough), it makes a huge difference when the note giver is on the ball. I'm well pleased with how it turned out and hope they like it, too.

Started back on Leonard. Two more chapters then it's off to rewrite land. Send powerful energizing vibes my way so I can "crank this sucka!"

First draft word count a/o today: 64867

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Stand by...

Putting the novel on hold for a bit while I work on the rewrite for a chapter book. Got the notes from my editor back in the middle of December and have finally been able to wrap my brain around them enough so I can start the edit. After literally battling my way through the third to last chapter of Leonard, it's actually a nice break to work on something different. Hope to be back at the novel by the end of next week.

First draft word count a/o today: 64591

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Closer Still, Again

Man! This third to last chapter is taking me forever! Lot's of battle action that by its very nature cries out for careful description. It's a fine line though. Being overly descriptive can be as "unenjoyable" for the reader as not writing enough for them to sink their teeth into. I have to make it exciting yet be sure that I "leave out the parts readers tend to skip".

Oh well, I'm deciding to treat this chapter as a case of "slow and steady wins the race".

First draft word count a/o today: 64591

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Closer Still

Reached a personally important but largely symbolic milestone by breaking 60k. I'm on the third to last chapter and steaming toward the finish. LOTS of action in these closing chapters as I build toward the climactic confrontation between my boy hero and the evil arch villain. From experience with my spec screenplays I know that while I find writing action to be challenging, it's also a lot of fun. When I get it right, penning a good action sequence is like watching your kid beat some challenge that could have gone either way -- you're filled with a mixture of pride, excitement, and relief. Onward!

First draft word count a/o today: 61125

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Getting Closer

Knocked off two chapters and added a decent amount to the word count. I think breaking 60k will feel pretty good. I know I've got my work cut out for me when I start the rewrite. Seems that every time I open the file and start typing I discover things that I'll have to go back and fix. There are some major issues (like an entire King Arthur subplot that vanishes about halfway in -- it involves onions and captivity) and a lot of minor stuff. I have a page at the end of the draft where I keep notes on these future fixes.

First draft word count a/o today: 59239

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Getting Close

Had a fairly productive last couple of days. Did some structural edits -- combined a couple of chapters for flow and did a little word cranking. A quick look tells me I've got five more chapters to go before I'm finished with the first draft. Charge!
I've also been re-watching the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy (a Christmas time tradition here at stately Eschbacher manor). Talk about inspirational! Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh, and Philippa Boyens are certifiable geniuses with the way they masterfully adapted such a monstrously complex work as LOTR. I'm so glad that Jackson and New Line worked out their differences -- two Hobbit films! Yahoo!

Anyway, I think it's safe to say that watching films that connect to your novels theme is a no-brainer way to get the creative juices flowing.

First Draft word count a/o today: 58,004

Monday, December 31, 2007


Well, I did have the goal of finishing the first draft of Leonard by the end of December but I didn't quite make it. I'm blaming the Holidays for my lack of progress -- the good kind of blame as in, I'm enjoying kicking back with the family and not overly concerned with writing a whole lot this time of year. The new year will see me attack the page with renewed vigor.

First Draft word count a/o today: 56,658

Monday, December 17, 2007

One Word

After slogging along miserably for a few days, I had a very productive start of the week. Although I don't believe in writer's block, there are some times as an author when it feels like you're trying to swim through mental molasses. You become strangely convinced that you just don't have enough energy or functioning brain cells to write. It's easy to procrastinate when this happens and I've found the only way out of that swamp is to force yourself to sit down and type one word -- any word. That simple act is like using a plunger after (insert crass plugged toilet metaphor here). Since you've written one word, it's no big deal to come up with another word that will go with it and so forth. Once you start typing, the logjam gradually loosens and the next thing you know, you've cranked out a quick 1500 words. Felt good.

First Draft word count a/o today: 56,197

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Cranked out my 1k for the day but it wasn't easy. I procrastinated throughout the day and ended up blitzing everything after dinner. I don't know what it is, but an "outside" deadline is a lot more inspiring than one I set for myself. That being said, my spider sense tells me that as long as I commit to writing everyday, I'll get the momentum going again.

Semi-related note: Heard from my fine editor Liz today. She had some great notes on a chapter book that we've been working on and I'm looking forward to tackling them after I crank out the Leonard first draft.

First draft word count a/o today: 54661

Eater of the Dead: A Dragon Friend Excerpt

Just in time for Halloween! Check out a featured Dragon Friend excerpt on the BestSelling Reads blog: "The spooky season is upon us! H...