Friday, August 30, 2013


Earlier this week I posted the following update for backers of my old Dragonfriend Kickstarter project. I offer it here for those patient souls who have been asking me "When is the next book coming out?" Translation: "When are you going to publish it you dope?!" Here is my vaguely specific and "waffle-y" response:

"Hi folks! I just wanted to give you a quick update on the status of Giantkiller -- primarily because some of the Dragonfriend backers are owed a copy of the new manuscript in one form or another, but also because I'm excited about getting closer to an actual publication date.

Just this past weekend, I was finally able to send off the Giantkiller file to the same pro editor who pummeled Dragonfriend into shape. Iguana Proofreading's Darren Robinson informs me that he should be finished critiquing and proofing the book sometime in the next three weeks! I'll review his suggested edits (which have been dead on and saved me from some embarrassing errors on Dragonfriend -- exactly the reason I did a "Help me hire an editor" Kickstarter project), make the necessary changes, then format and upload the book. Hooray!

I'm not going to give an estimate as to when all of this will be finished because I'm always wrong when I do. Suffice it to say it will be "soon-ish."

Thanks again for your support of the original project. As I mentioned in the project proposal, any leftover funds would be used on the sequel to Dragonfriend. Between purchasing the cover art and hiring Darren again, that's exactly what happened."
 My excuse for the delay is that I've been blessed with some great animation work and while there is no downside to being fully employed, it hasn't left a lot of time for Giantkiller. That said, I promise to keep chugging along and deliver the book to you in a "soonish manner." Which, in this case, I hope, means before the end of the year.

...waffle waffle waffle...

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  New writer bio...   "Main co. alum of the Groundlings, I write YA fantasy/sci-fi novels and animation (preschool, bridge, kids) for ...