Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dragonfriend is Now on Smashwords

Set up a Smashwords account last night. It was pretty easy to do although they are sticklers for what they consider proper formatting. Not saying they shouldn't be, they just like things the way they like them. The good thing is that they lay everything out for you in their style guide and quickly bounce back an error report if their "autovetter" finds some formatting it doesn't like. All free, too.

So in addition to the Amazon and B&N accounts, thanks to Smashwords you can now read an ebook of Dragonfriend on these devices, too: Apple iPad/iBooks, Sony Reader, Kobo, and most e-reading apps including Stanza, Aldiko, Adobe Digital Editions, others.

And there was much rejoicing.


Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Oooh I'm gonna have to check this out. I'll add it to my goodreads.

Roger Eschbacher said...

Thanks, Michael!

New Writer Bio for Roger Eschbacher

  New writer bio...   "Main co. alum of the Groundlings, I write YA fantasy/sci-fi novels and animation (preschool, bridge, kids) for ...