Wednesday, October 8, 2008

NaNo 2: Electric Boogaloo

I'm going to give NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) another shot this year. It was such a positive experience for me last time that there's no way I could justify not doing it again. I plan on spending the rest of October writing an outline for my next middle grade novel, Magic Man. Once Nov. 1st rolls around, feel free to visit my NaNo page to see how I'm doing with my goal of reaching 50,000 words by the end of the month. I'll be providing updates here, too.


Michael Tallon said...

is this blog past a year old already?

Roger Eschbacher said...

Almost. It'll be a year old as of 12/15.

I'd been toying with the idea of doing a blog before NaNo but decided I'd better wait until AFTER the marathon to see how I did. Things turned out okay so I thought it'd be fun for me (and hopefully interesting for others) to keep track of the novel's progress through rewrites and the submission process. Looking back, it has indeed been fun.

New Writer Bio for Roger Eschbacher

  New writer bio...   "Main co. alum of the Groundlings, I write YA fantasy/sci-fi novels and animation (preschool, bridge, kids) for ...